What used to be a female-driven business is now increasingly catering to males.

“We’re seeing a lot more men going to spas,” said Garrett Mersberger, board chair of the International Spa Association (Ispa). “It used to always be a female-driven thing. We’re now seeing 50-50, if not swinging more toward the males.”

The trend took off as long ago as 2017, when Ispa reported 49 percent of spa customers were men, up from 29 percent in 2005.

“They’re much more aware that it’s not just a thing I go to to get pampered. It’s an actual lifestyle choice with benefits to my body, to my wellness. It’s part of my routine now. It’s not just about going for relaxation,” Mersberger said.

The change impacts treatment areas, relaxation areas and changing stations, said Ispa president Lynne McNees.

“Spas are really having to evolve to accommodate that male spa goer,” McNees said. “Typically, your back of house for males would be smaller because historically it’s been very heavy female. Now they’re having to shift that.”

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