Natasha Prybyla has been a self employed massage therapist for almost a decade. At first, she went to school for massage in hopes of working on a cruise ship, then she realized that there is much more to massage than just the feel good aspect of things. In 2014, her private practice bloomed into a wellness spa! Over the years, her passion for a healthy body has evolved into a love for sustainable business.

Natasha always thought it was important to be kind to the environment, so every day she tries to inspire her guests and employees to make decisions based on environmental wellness. Sloco has become the home of guilt-free self-care, meaning that they do right by their employees, their community and the environment. Sloco is the first day spa in the world to become a Certified B Corp (basically means that they place purpose before profit and use business as a force for good). They were the first spa in California to become part of 1% for the Planet.

The spa signed on to be part of GSN’s tree planting initiative. Sloco was also among the first in SLO County to become part of the California Green Business Network. Sloco was just voted Poly Picks Best Massage by Cal Poly SLO!

Natasha’s husband, Ryan Heath, works full time at the spa with her. They have two dogs, Willow and Ranger. Her family has been super supportive of this journey. Her in-laws helped her pursue massage school and her parents helped them get the business loan. And her sister has always been her HR expert and sounding board.

When Natasha is not working, you can usually find her husband and she going on adventure walks, watching movies or planning their next vacation!

Reach out to Natasha: [email protected]

Sloco Massage