Today we talk to Sienna Creasy the founder of
Tells about how you got to where you are today.
Sienna: My journey began as healing artist studying Thai Yoga Massage in Thailand and Ayurveda and Yoga in India. Coming into the industry as a practitioner first helped me to understand the passion for Spa from the ground up. I have worked with the most prestigious boutique resort in Jamaica, Goldeneye as Spa director at the FieldSpa creating a signature product line and opened Jamaicas largest luxury Spa and the Caribbeans largest Himalayan Salt Lounge. You will find me in deep meditation and on the dance floor within the same day, there is so much to celebrate in life. Hopefully we will meet somewhere in the world, I teach internationally and my trademarked Reggaelates is a class to remember!
What are some things you have learned being in business?
Sienna: I have learned that no matter what I always have something to learn, that this industry has the most passionate people and that spa and wellness can be closely integrated with revenue and return when you plan ahead!