Veneta, Ore. (March 22, 2023) Nancy Griffin, principal of Contento Marketing and host of the  Glowing Older podcast, is pleased to announce the launch of #ExposeAgeism, a movement to create awareness about ageism in the spa, wellness and beauty industries. Since the movement’s introduction at the beginning of March 2023, a dozen companies from the across the globe have taken the pledge to promote positive aging. Efforts include representation of older adults in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs, and eliminating the phrase “anti-aging” in product descriptions and marketing by 2025.

“As host of the Glowing Older podcast, I have interviewed 130 experts who agree ageism is one of the biggest issues standing in the way of aging well. The founding companies immediately resonated with #ExposeAgeism’s mission, responding with comments like, ‘It’s about time,” and “We can do better,” said Griffin, who has 30 years of experience in the spa and wellness industry.

Founding companies:

  • Ayuna
  • Beauty for Real
  • Beauty Heroes
  • Beekman 1802
  • Better Not Younger
  • Body Bliss
  • Brand Uncover
  • LaFlore Live Probiotic Skincare
  • Pietro Simone Skincare
  • Skin Authority
  • Spa Technologies
  • Stemulation

“This is a cause that my company has been committed to since inception. We’re very happy to be part of the #ExposeAgeism movement and look forward to disrupting the conversation around this important topic,” said Pietro Simone, Founder of Pietro Simone Skincare.

“We’ve all, especially women, been conditioned by traditional beauty marketing to believe that we aren’t enough as we are, and we must do all we can to prevent looking ‘old.’ Let’s take good care of ourselves and embrace aging. Let’s be proud of our long lives and see aging as the blessing that it is,” said Leslie Munsell, President of Beauty for Real.

“We couldn’t be more excited to be a founding partner. The mission to honor every stage of life is not only empowering, but necessary. As a society we get caught up with false narratives of perfectionism; joining hands with like-minded companies to change that narrative is not only our honor as a beauty brand, but also our responsibility,” said Shelby Isaacson, Director of Marketing & Brand Development for LaFlore Live Probiotic Skincare.

Research by Yale University finds older individuals with more positive self-perceptions of aging lived 7.5 years longer and experience higher quality of life than those with less positive self-perceptions of aging. #ExposeAgeism targets the phrase “anti-aging” in particular for its contribution to negative perceptions of growing older. With the goal of eliminating the phrase by 2025, companies are able to take steps to change packaging and marketing materials in stages. The “anti anti-aging” movement is gaining momentum as people of all ages and gender identities realize the futility of seeking the fountain of youth.

Wellness and beauty influencer Jennifer Walsh has this to say. “Anti-aging is an antiquated phrase that marginalizes women and creates a fear mentality of getting older. Women should not be taught to fear aging, as it is a gift to do so. If beauty and wellness is all about embracing life and living life to the fullest, that does not equate to anti-aging which is no longer living.”

Spa, wellness, and beauty companies can join the movement at

About #ExposeAgeism

#ExposeAgeism is a pledge to combat ageism. The movement encourages beauty, spa, and wellness companies to promote positive aging, include representation of older adults in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) policies, and eliminate the term nti-aging in product descriptions and marketing by 2025. Take the pledge at



Nancy Griffin

Principal, Contento Marketing

Founder Glowing Older & #ExposeAgeism


[email protected]