The Salt Therapy Association is pleased to welcome four prominent salt therapy specialists as featured speakers for our Symposium:

Magdalena Kostrzon
Research & Analysis Specialist
“Wieliczka” Salt Mine

  • The Efficacy of Speleotherapy
  • Results from the Salt Mine’s latest research study – Pulmonary Rehabilitation in COPD Patients (in subterranean and in standard conditions)

Dr. Anna Pełkowska
Deputy Medical Director
“Wieliczka” Salt Mine Heath Resort

  • The Influence of Salty Air on Chronic Rhinitis

Dr. Sylwia Mętel
Physiotherapy Specialist
The Academy of Physical Education (Krakow)

  • The Aim and Meaning of Different Breathing Techniques and Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Dr. Marek Koprowski
Department Head – Civilisation Diseases and Lung Diseases
John Paul II Specialist Hospital (Krakow)

  • Halotherapy for Obstructive Diseases (Bronchial Asthma and COPD)