Press Release

Introducing One Well World, a 501(c)3 nonprofit charitable foundation supporting Wellness in Action projects that positively impact the lives of real people and achieve measurable health and wellness outcomes. With sights set on local community change, especially in underserved populations, Michael Bruggeman, CEO of well beauty brands OM4 Organic Male and haia (HAPPY AS I AM) believes there is much the industry and businesses can do to step up social responsibility and become equity partners in the health and wellness of brand followers and the communities in which they live. “Equally important, is developing a collective obsession with sustaining our planet,” said Bruggeman.

While the goal may seem audacious, Bruggeman has never shied away from a challenge. In 2009, he formulated the first comprehensive skin-type and condition-specific men’s skin care brand – OM4 Organic Male – at a time when the average man’s grooming product arsenal consisted of a shave cream and for everything else, a bar of soap. That hard work paid off, as today OM4 holds the largest market share in spa and is changing the way men think about self-care and grooming. In 2019, Bruggeman set out to apply lessons learned to an all-new, inclusive skin wellness brand, haia, which stands for “Happy As I Am.” haia takes a stand for self-esteem and being happy in one’s own skin. “This requires a whole new industry narrative focused on healthy aging and longevity,” noted Bruggeman who went on to say: “Legacy antiaging messaging and flawless model imagery, has led to an insidious and pervasive pathology of perfection among beauty consumers, today.” One Well World extends the impact that consumer products have on our sense of self-love, by defining an all-new iteration of the clean beauty movement – well beauty – the bridge between beauty and wellness and a positive new rhetoric that you are enough, and you belong.

The One Well World Foundation is the OM4 Men and haia executive team’s brainchild for spearheading major social issues which prevent people from feeling happy, healthy, and well. “The next global pandemic may not be another rogue virus, said Bruggeman, “but rather a global crisis of mental well-being.” The new public health landscape extends beyond antibiotic-resistant microbes, diabetes, and obesity. Blue light-induced circadian clock disruption, ubiquitous anxiety, chronic stress, loneliness, isolation, domestic violence, bullying, political unrest, intolerance and racial cruelty, addiction and suicide (which has risen to the 10th leading cause of death according to CDC data), are the next social and public health issues of our time. To this end, the Foundation and Advisory Board are focused on two main objectives: (1) to commission and manage four targeted action projects, staffed by concerned and committed teams interested in pushing the real-world wellness envelope, and (2) to provide financial support and resources to vetted charitable partners who are already making a difference in one of the six dimensions of wellness – spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, well relationships and global citizenship + ecosystems care, or any of the social issues above.

“Bottom line is no one person can conceive or take on such a seemingly insurmountable mission,” said Bruggeman. It is only through the collective focus, good thinking and commitment of the Advisory Board and soon to be announced Action Project chairs and their teams that makes any of this possible.”

Michael Bruggeman
One Well World, Ltd.
+1 360-202-2765
email us here