There are three shows during the year that the DSA is always sure to attend.  Those being the IECSC shows held in Florida, New York, and Las Vegas.

We were lucky enough to catch up with our friend Diane Waltersdorf, Conference Director at Questex Media Group, and ask her a few things about IECSC and the upcoming show in Las Vegas.


Get to know IECSC…

  1. No one pulls tougher an educational event with the caliber of speakers quite like you do. Why do attendees gravitate to education at IECSC?  Thank you!  The conference program holds appeal across the many facets of the spa industry due to the fact that we provide something for everyone. First, you can choose content based on whether you prefer product focused instruction or non-commercial education. The former provides opportunities to delve into specific product lines and their preferred techniques.  The latter allows you to return to your place of business and implement what you’ve learned regardless of the product line you carry. Between those offerings you’ll find learning opportunities whether you are involved with a day spa, resort property, med spa or are a solo practitioner, with content for spa owners/managers/directors, estheticians, makeup artists, medical spa practitioners, and more!
  1. Can you tell us about some educational opportunities coming up at IECSC June 25-27 this year? As we celebrate our 25th anniversary in Las Vegas this year, we’ll present special sessions on both Saturday and Sunday.  To kick off the event, expert spa and medical spa consultant Bryan Durocher will offer a retrospective of the industry’s evolution over the last 25 years. On Sunday, Allan Share, President of the Day Spa Association, will moderate an interactive panel discussion that attendees can submit questions now via Twitter at #LVSpaShowExpertsPanel. For an in-depth learning experience, the Advanced Education Workshop track offers three-hour sessions spanning a variety of subjects. We have a comprehensive multi-hour medical spa procedural workshop focusing on office-based facial cosmetic surgery, a variety of three-hour CIDESCO workshops, as well as full tracks of spa business & wellness, makeup, medical spa tracks filled with business and procedural sessions, and so much more!
  1. Who is the general audience that comes to the education portion of IECSC? The diversity of the educational offerings attracts spa owners/managers/directors, estheticians, medical spa practitioners, makeup artists and massage therapists from day spas, resort spas, medical spas and solo practitioners.

Make sure to click here for more about IECSC and how to attend!