Randy Pierce

Interesting things about you and the business you are in?

Spa/Company Name: Remede Spa, St. Regis San Francisco

Website: stregissanfrancisco.com

How did you end up in the industry? After graduating with a degree in Anthropology I took a vacation in Orlando. Instead of going to grad school, I decided to stay in Orlando for a while and take some time off from school, so I needed a job. A friend’s roommate was recreation manager at one of the hotels and told me to go apply. When I went to apply, the human resources director asked me if I wanted to sell hot dogs to screaming kids on a pool deck under the hot Florida sun, or work in air-conditioning. I opted for the air-conditioning. That job happened to be in the Gentlemen’s locker room of the spa where I would be an attendant. 20 years later, I am at my 7th spa, with the best job in the hotel, in an incredible industry and I couldn’t see myself doing anything else.

If you are not working…what are you doing? When I am not in a suit and tie for work, I let out my alter ego of a recovering tech addict either playing with computer parts or reading about the latest and greatest to come out in tech gadgetry.

Recent books or movies you’ve enjoyed? 1491 – The Americas Before Columbus

Favorite vacation taken? Bahia Beach, Puerto Rico

If you were not in a spa career, what would you be doing? Probably a professor of Archaeology at some university teaching courses while writing my next book on cultures and civilizations long disappeared.

Spa/Facility info:

What best describes your spa? Resort/Hotel & Spa

Total square footage of your facility? 9,000

How many treatment rooms do you have? 9

What new treatments have you added recently? PCA Peel for more medical grade results

What is your signature treatment? St. Regis Stillness Ritual

What percentage of your business comes from Retail sales? 15-17%