Looking after aging parents is a concern for most Americans. Not everyone has the time and resources to manage senior care at home. At times, the medical condition of your parent may require professional care. Moving older adults to an assisted living facility is a feasible option. Your parent gets good care in a nursing home as these facilities have qualified caregivers, healthcare infrastructure, and safe living spaces for seniors. But you cannot leave senior care to chance even while arranging a place for them in a care facility. You must do your bit to ensure they are safe, comfortable, and happy in their new home. Here are some senior wellness tips to ensure the best care for your parents in a nursing home.  

Find the right community 

Although the core objective of nursing homes is to provide quality care to seniors, not all facilities are created equal. You must do due diligence to find the right one that matches your needs and expectations. Check the options online, visit the facilities personally, and talk to the administrators about the quality of care. Ask about the medical facilities, meals, day-to-day care, and safety arrangements for the residents. Look for a nursing home that feels warm and welcoming because a positive environment is essential for the well-being of an aging person.  

Let your parent participate in the decision 

You may like a nursing home, but the decision should come primarily from your parent. After all, they have to live in the facility. Ensure they are comfortable with the idea of moving to their new place because change may not be welcome at this age. Engaging them in the research process is a good idea. Take them along while visiting the facilities as you filter the options. Let your parent have their word when picking an assisted living facility for themselves.  

Be vigilant 

The last thing you should do is take a set-and-forget approach while settling your parent in a nursing home. Even the best facilities may have problems if you dig deeper. The scary part is that your aging parent may not realize neglect or abuse or not report it due to fear or confusion. Be present and vigilant to recognize red flags such as injuries, weight loss, malnutrition, and anxious behavior. You must contact a nursing home abuse attorney to seek justice if your parent suffers at the hand of the caregivers. The last thing you should do is overlook these incidents because your loved ones deserve the best care.  

Make the place feel like home 

Even if the nursing home offers quality care, seniors may not feel comfortable being away from home. The best way to ease the transition is by making the place feel like home. Remember that material objects offer comfort to aging adults. You can pack along their favorite blanket, cherished family photos, and decor items to create a pleasant and familiar atmosphere for your loved one. Let the caregivers know about their food preferences and ensure they provide the best care to your parent. They will be comfortable sooner than you imagine.  

Encourage active involvement 

Active involvement in the new community is the mainstay of senior wellness in assisted living facilities. Encourage them to be a part of group activities and make new friends in the facility. Once they shed their inhibitions, residents build long-term relationships in nursing homes. Connecting with fellow residents goes a long way in keeping them safe from accidents and abuse. You can help your parent overcome their hesitations by accompanying them to initial events. 

Schedule socialization beyond the nursing home 

Making new friends enables a smooth start at the facility, but you must ensure that your parent maintains their contacts. Encourage siblings, relatives, and old friends to visit them often. You can even schedule family meetings on special days like birthdays and anniversaries. This way, your loved one feels they are still connected with the outside world. They have something to look forward to even as they enjoy a new life with new friends in the nursing home.  

Nursing home care may become essential for senior wellness for your parents at some point. You must find a facility you can rely on for offering the best care to your loved one. Besides checking the reputation and credibility of the nursing home, keep track of your parent’s well-being on an ongoing basis. They deserve your love, care, and attention despite having caregivers around. So do your bit even after moving them to a care facility.  

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