The medical world has been very much under the spotlight these past two years. The astonishing performance in developing successful covid-19 vaccines and the roll-out in applying them is a great example of how modern science and medicine can rise to the occasion with extreme efficiency and effectiveness. That’s modern medicine for you, but what we want to talk about here is a form of treatment that is far from modern and little changed over thousands of years. 

Acupuncture is a treatment method that is claimed to help many people in various areas. But does it really work, and why is there a controversy surrounding this ancient method of treatment? In the following article, we will look at Acupuncture and its origins, the status it is viewed within modern medicine, and whether you may benefit from the practice. We begin with an explanation of Acupuncture and the theories behind it.  

What is Acupuncture? 

If you want to talk to someone about Acupuncture, then South Shore Acupuncture in Bellmore, NY, is a good starting point if that is your area of work or residence. They have a reputation for professional treatment and a friendly approach. 

So, what is Acupuncture, and where did it originate? As with many such medicines – that is, those that are considered outside the generally accepted medical field – the Chinese were the originators of Acupuncture. The Chinese believe that our bodies have opposite energy flows within them – that’s a simple explanation as there is much more to the subject that we could go into – which can be stimulated at different points of the body by the insertion of fine needles. 

Think of the Chinese concept of ‘Yin and Yang’ where balance defines our health, and you are on the way to understanding Acupuncture. The first instances of the use in China are believed to have been a little more than 2,000 years ago, and this culture is still important to Chinese society today. So, is Acupuncture real, and can it help with suffering? 

Is Acupuncture Considered an Alternative Treatment?  

If you delve into medical writings and research, there is plenty of controversy about Acupuncture as a viable medicinal routine. However, the same could be said about the use of cannabis, which we now know does have medicinal qualities. 

In many sectors of the medical world, acupuncture is considered a ‘pseudoscience’ or a quack treatment. However, when one considers that an institution as important and established as the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) includes Acupuncture among available treatments, we have to listen to the testimonies of millions of people who claim it has helped them relieve pain and suffering.  

Note that Acupuncture is usually one part of a treatment routine and is not often applied alone, and if you want to know more, we recommend you contact a clinic such as that mentioned above. Finally, in this section, detailed research has shown that when applied by an experienced practitioner using clean and safe needles, acupuncture is in no way dangerous, and many patients describe it as a soothing and pleasurable experience. Let’s talk about the ailments and conditions that Acupuncture is often prescribed to help with.  

What Can Acupuncture Treat?  

Acupuncture is usually used for relieving pain, and most commonly of the following types: 

  • Chronic long-term pain brought on by certain ailments[Text Wrapping Break] 
  • Tension headaches[Text Wrapping Break] 
  • Migraine[Text Wrapping Break] 
  • Joint pain[Text Wrapping Break] 
  • Dental pain[Text Wrapping Break] 
  • Post-operative pain.[Text Wrapping Break] 

There are also those who have undergone Acupuncture for depression, anxiety, and other such problems. The sheer number of patients who testify to its success cannot be overlooked, despite the views of some in the medical world. Chinese alternative treatments are often viewed with suspicion in the West, and Acupuncture falls firmly into this category. Yet the clinic mentioned earlier boasts a wealth of satisfied clients who have undergone the treatment and enjoyed the benefits. 

What can you expect from a regular acupuncture session? If you are scared of needles, you have that to overcome, but rest assured those used in Acupuncture are so fine that most patients feel no pain whatsoever. 

What Can I Expect when Undergoing Acupuncture?  

It may sound odd that the concept of sticking needles into people is considered a treatment for pain and other problems. However, we have to look back to the Chinese ‘lifeforce’ concept known as ‘Qi’ that they believe governs our health. The very origins of the Qi concept are complex, and while many in the West view it with suspicion, the Chinese see it as a fact of life.  

An acupuncture appointment will be performed by an experienced and qualified acupuncture expert. They will have studied the subject and learned of the points on the body where the Qi can be manipulated. 

As a patient, you will be made comfortable in a lying position or sometimes seated. You will need to remove clothing on the parts of the body the acupuncturist wants to access. They will talk to you about your background, medical history, and any prescription drugs you may be taking, as some can preclude the process from being carried out.  

The needles are very, very fine and measure around a few centimeters. They are inserted just under the skin in the relevant points and sometimes a little further to reach the muscle.  

Needles can be inserted in one place or in several, depending on the condition and number of symptoms being treated.  

The needles are left in place for a few minutes up to half an hour, and while you may feel a slight tingling sensation and perhaps minor aching where the needles are inserted, you should not feel any significant pain. Once removed, the needles are disposed of. A few sessions may be necessary to complete the treatment. 

Who Should I Visit for Acupuncture Treatment?  

If you are interested or have been recommended acupuncture treatment, we suggest in the first instance you arrange a consultation at the clinic we provided a link to or another of your choice, and we hope that Acupuncture goes some way to helping you relieve your suffering.