Whether it is massage therapy or facial cleansing, hand treatment, or a hair care session, physical interaction is essential for beauty services. That is why salons, wellness clinics, spas, and massage centers are facing difficulty in keeping their businesses open during COVID-19. If you also belong to this industry, here are some useful tips for your business to survive:

1.     Minimize Contact and Retail Online

Use digital means for appointment booking and payment collection. Send online forms via email and ask clients to transfer payment online. In this way, you will be able to eliminate the in-person contact when booking appointments and the time spent in waiting areas.

If you also sell some essential oils, makeup products, and massage lotions, this is the best time to earn by selling these products online. As consumers are stuck inside their homes, they are interested in purchasing self-care products to take care of themselves. However, you need to set up an e-store or a website. People might think twice before visiting a salon, but they will buy products online as they are used to your essential oils, creams, shampoos, and lotions.


Tenoverten, a New York-based salon, reported high sales of makeup products during the lockdown.

2.   Plan Your Operations

Instead of offering the whole set of services, offer only a select few services. For instance, if your spa is famous for body massage, then only offer this service with pre-booking. Other services like nail, hair, and facial treatment can be kept on hold. Why? In this way, you will be able to reduce the number of people coming to your salon (hence effectively managing the social distancing SOP) while simultaneously earning the most. 

3.   Do Not Charge for Cancellations

Anyone can become sick with COVD-19 at any time. In this scenario, if a client who has already booked an appointment feels sick, they may not prefer canceling an appointment because of extra charges. This thing can put your salon at risk. On the other hand, when people know about zero cancellation penalties, they will feel free to book an appointment.

4.   Facilitate Staff and Follow Precautionary Measures

Facilitate your staff in terms of leaves. In this way, sick employees will not come to the salon. Thus, you will be able to set a good example. Besides this, follow all precautionary measures; sanitize the salon every day. Similarly, following thorough cleaning every day and set rules related to wearing masks and gloves.

It is also a good idea to take the temperature checking of clients as well as staff at the entrance. Additionally, arrange seating arrangements in a way that there should be at least 6 feet of distance between each individual. Experts also suggest using disposable equipment. For instance, instead of using reusable blades in trimming machines, disposable blades should be used. In the same way, scissors, combs, clips, and other tools should be sanitized after each use.

5.    Automate Things

Since social distancing is mandatory, try to automate things. For instance, automatically updating clients regarding canceled appointments via email. Make a WhatsApp group of loyal clients and share updates. Also, use social media to stay in touch with clients.

6.   Use Digitization

It’s not strange to virtually connect with clients these days. If you are not present for a haircut, you can post an easy tutorial online that shows how to give yourself a simple haircut. Your clients are going to appreciate this and remember your generosity even after the pandemic is over. Many companies are following this formula; for instance, a carpet cleaning company regularly posts videos on quick cleaning hacks to help their consumers out. Even though it may seem like they are giving secrets out for free, in fact, they are coming off as genuine and winning their consumers over.  


In short, salons and spas can still run efficiently if a coherent plan is made. Useful strategies like automating things, pre-booking appointments, facilitating staff, following precautionary measures, and using digital tools play a key role in helping you keep your beauty businesses up and running.

Though people are confined to their homes, the need for self-grooming is evergreen. Try to stay in touch with your loyal clients and show prospects how diligently you are dealing with the current situation.

How are you running your salon these days? Share some tips with us!