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Self-care is Not a Luxury, It’s a Responsibility.

Your skin, body and soul will thank you.

We believe self-care is not a luxury, it is a responsibility.  When we take great care of ourselves, we can take better care of our family, our team, our business, our community, and everyone we love.

At Skinworx, we believe confidence is vital in this magical element called happiness.  The more confidence you have, the more joyful and fully engaged you are in life.  The world needs you to radiate more CONFIDENCE, JOY and HAPPINESS more than ever.

Dazzle Dry

The skin is the largest organ in the body.  It covers and protects all the other organs inside us.  The skin is the first line of defense and it is the first part of the brain as underneath it contains sensory neurons (just like brain cells).  There are billions of nerve endings under the skin and they send information to the head brain (there’s also the heart brain and the gut brain).  Information in the brain turns into thoughts.  Thoughts turn into emotions.  Emotion (positive or negative) is energy in motion.  That energy is then received by every little cell in your body.  We believe skin health is important not just to look good and feel good but to communicate to your body that you love every little cell in there.  It’s a whole community of cells inside each one of us.

Many of us have old stories and old wounds, old hurts stuck in our bodies that needs to be released.  We believe that healing practices such as meditation, breath work, energy cleansing, Pranic Healing and other holistic system of self-healing can truly help us live a happy, energized and fulfilled life.  There are lots of benefits to healing practices besides health and wellness.  Healing can really reconnect us back to the person we are meant to be – HEALTHY, JOYFUL, ENERGETIC, and ENTHUSIASTIC.

Discover Your
Unique Skincode™

By taking this quiz, you’ll receive a customized skin ritual recommendation that addresses your skin concerns and needs.


Cheryl Pierce
2001 Union Street, ste 104,
San Francisco CA 94123
[email protected]


be your best self

