Susie Hammer
WTS International
Interesting things about you and the business you are in?
Spa/Company Name: WTS International
How did you end up in the industry? I started as a personal trainer, moved into a fitness director role. Then got an opportunity to work in the Caribbean, the fitness facility had a spa component and I fell in love.
If you are not working…what are you doing? Running or Eating
Recent books or movies you’ve enjoyed? Old Man and the Sea
Favorite vacation taken? Any trip to St. John, USVI
If you were not in a spa career, what would you be doing? Running a bar on the beach.
Spa/Facility info:
What best describes your spa? Spa Management Company
Total square footage of your facility? Varies
How many treatment rooms do you have?
What new treatments have you added recently? Hydrafacial, Singing Bowls, Hydraterm
What is your signature treatment? Varies
What percentage of your business comes from Retail sales? 15-20%