Susie Marquez

Susie Marquez

Marriott's Grand Hotel

Interesting things about you and the business you are in?

Spa/Company Name: Marriott’s Grand Hotel


How did you end up in the industry? I helped open the first school of massage therapy in Mobile, Alabama, taught there for 4 years and had two private practices. Fifteen years ago I was approached to plan and help design the first resort spa in the area and the rest is and has been a lovely journey! I am such a lucky girl!

If you are not working…what are you doing? Ballroom dancing with my husband, dreaming up the next exotic trip to go on and playing with my two awesome shi-poo dogs, Mr. Woofy and Mr. Pico!

Favorite vacation taken? Without question, India and the tiger safari!

If you were not in a spa career, what would you be doing? Medicine – I love reading anatomy and medical books cover to cover!

Spa/Facility info:

What best describes your spa? Resort/Hotel & Spa

Total square footage of your facility? approximately 20,000

How many treatment rooms do you have? 9

What new treatments have you added recently? We are about to add cupping and cranio sacral therapy

What is your signature treatment? Babor facial

What percentage of your business comes from Retail sales? 24%