by: Dr. Mark B. Lumpkin  Mindfulness, Meditation, and Movement are all standard components and tools for most Spa / Wellness Therapists. These concepts and practices are usually taught as a fundamental element within their educational training and learning environments. This valuable information is passed along to clients through embodiment, energy, physical touch, demonstration, and educational explanations. The importance of educating clients and ourselves is certainly a paramount foundation of professionalism and excellence yet there are other serious concerns we need to address immediately!

The larger and more complex conversations that need to be happening right now within the industry are based around the new paradigm of what the Spa, Wellness, Fitness intake process should be given the current medical concerns about viral infections. With the unintended mayhem and significant pause in all global economic patterns this is an ideal and auspicious time for the Spa / Wellness industry to come together in unity to help support a new global paradigm of wellness.

Parameters especially for the Spa industry must change and adapt to the ever fluid landscape of new medical information in order to keep all Therapists, Staff and Clients safe. What is the most appropriate and safety conscious process for Spa / Wellness intake methods? All medical intake forms need to be updated and reflect accurate relevant information necessary for Therapist to do their job to the very best of their ability. We can no longer reply on ‘Lifestyle Information / Intake’ forms at this point; how many glasses of water a guest drinks is Not the most important question we need to be asking.

Here is a partial list of the critical questions we need to be openly addressing immediately with Medical Doctors, Legal Experts, Medical Ethicists, Educational Directors, Spa Directors and Staff:

  1. If a Therapist enacts their legal right of refusal to work with a client how will the Spa / Business and or Management support them?
  2. If a Therapist enacts their legal right of refusal to work with a client can the client be legally or morally transferred to another Therapist who will work with that client?
  3. Does the legal definition of “Medical Right of Refusal” within the Spa, Wellness, Fitness industry cover the “Business” and or “Therapist” from legal suits or retaliation?
  4. If a Therapist enacts their legal right of refusal to work with a client is the Spa / Business required to provide the client written documentation?
  5. If a Therapist enacts their legal right of refusal to work with a client is the Spa / Business obligated to require payment or partial payment for the service?
  6. What is the most appropriate way to screen / review Medical information during the intake process?
  7. If a client cancels or no shows at the last minuet due to medical reasons what is the “Medical Cancelation” policy?
  8. Will staff need a Doctor’s note in order to return to work if they have been out or in a quarantine situation?
  9. Under what circumstances should staff be required to wear PPE?
  10. Should the “Business” supply all PPE to staff?

These primary critical questions need to be debated and answered so the entire industry can be on the exact same page moving forward. If we are negligent or slack in our professional due diligence to protect staff and clients the entire industry will suffer as soon as a client is infected and the news will exponentially spread just like a virus affecting business with negativity and additional loss of revenue further complicating this situation.

Simply assuming we can put the old keys in the economic engine and fire it up to accomplish economic recovery will produce disastrous results and additional struggle for all. The car has been dismantled and is not road worthy – we need to redesign, reconstruct, realign and repaint the entire vehicle in order to make it drivable. This process takes time and care in order to reestablish appropriate circumstances, connections and the circumference of compassionate care.

Within this epic economic pause – there is a profound opportunity to significantly move the paradigm of integrated wellness / medicine along the beneficial spectrum for safety of all concerned. If we simply sit still and squander this quantum moment – we could all continue to spiral in wasted concentric circles of incompetence and reckless disregard for the greater good of all. If you believe this is currently an untenable situation, please reach out to me so we can begin to formulate a new plan of action and leadership to move into the future with wisdom, prudence and safety.

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word:

Freedom, Justice, Honor, Duty, Mercy, Hope

                                                              Winston Churchill ~