Patti Biro, Patti Biro and Associates

When we return to operational status members can help to fill the books and help us quickly in the spa and wellness industry to return to “the new normal” . In the mean time there are three things that you should do immediately as part of your bounce back planning.

1. Communicate clearly and frequently to your membership. They are your best allies in this time of crisis and will the first to return for services when you reopen. Once every two weeks is  a good schedule for eblasts or posts on Facebook member pages.

2. Clarify how you are handling membership charges to avoid cancellations. Some spas have elected to freeze all membership charges until they are open, others are offering to offer a complimentary month or two to members. Membership charges will resume when the spa reopens and will be prorated if needed.  Be generous on roll-over policies.

3. Honor the special relationship that members have with you, your staff and your business. I encourage you to offer members a complimentary enhancement or upgrade on their first return visit. You might consider taking the time now to inventory all your available inventory and identify if there are samples, lines you are phasing out or other items that could be a welcome retail gift for members.

Taking the time to manage your members with warmth, honesty and support will help them return quickly to your business!