By: Nancy Trent
President of Trent & Company, Inc., Marketing Communications

Working through the Coronavirus Pandemic may seem like an impossible mission for some, however, others are thriving. 

This unprecedented time is an opportunity for leaders and their teams to learn from their experience and use their new insights wisely. 

It’s not easy.  Employees need to adapt and business models may have to change, but those who step up to the challenge will be better off. 

We have to remember that this will end and there will be a “new normal” for having gone through it. You need to decide as a business, a leader or an employee where you want to be on the other side. 

Here are tips we’ve been hearing and making the way we operate:

Connectivity is your power – You are as powerful as you are connected.  Stay in touch with all your business contacts and colleagues, even more than usual.  Don’t let those contacts slip. You are as strong as your weakest link.  The more you give, the stronger you will emerge.  

You have to know, and be comfortable, with technology – Even the tech savvy are working through tech difficulties.  The technology available is designed to be easy to use.  Where there is necessity, there is will. Will yourself to experiment with ways of using the tools available. And use adversity to push you to new heights from figuring out how to look best in zoom to diy computer repairs to opening up documents…

You have to look powerful and in control on zoom – You may be able to skip the power suit although if people are used to seeing you that way, keep up appearances on zoom.  It’s not just what you wear, it’s your posture, style and demeanor.  Continue to command respect and stay in control of your audience on video. 

Giving comfort is more important than information – Information keeps changing, assurance to the best of our ability needs to be constant.  We might not be able to change the situation but we can help get each other through it.  It’s not enough to talk compassionate, you have to be compassionate.  Acts of kindness go a long way…

You cannot be perceived as expendable – Do the job of many and you’ll keep yours.  Now is not the time to wonder what your worth is.  It’s a time to roll up your sleeves and ask what you can do and have a suggestion of what that might be.

Do everything you want done—Many people have limited bandwidth right now.  Do as much as you can of what people are asking you to do for them and then do what you want done for you.  And then thank them profusely for getting everything done.  Someone had to do it and it’s now done!

Transparency is important – Our minds are racing with unknowns.  Don’t make people wait…they are waiting for many things they don’t and do want to happen.  Share what you know with your team, share what your are considering.  Play out best and worst case scenarios.  Be truthful in your message.  What people are imagining may be far worse. 

Be hyper-sensitive- Everyone is stressed; they should be.  There is something out there potentially capable of killing able bodies.  Anyone can be effected.   There is a level of anxiety we’re living with that is impacting people in many ways, some we can’t imagine. If empathy was not a part of the work environment before, it’s got to be a focal point now.

Respond promptly – People don’t have patience these days. Don’t make them wait.  They need answers, help, and don’t want to worry about why they are not hearing from you. 

Health is the new religion – Be ready to share your favorite health tips.  The door to anyone’s interest is talking what they care about and everyone is interested in health now.  Be ready to dispense useful tips like my favorite new appliance Better Air, do breathing exercises to strengthen your lungs or put BeeSpa on your hands after you wash them.  We used to talk about work life balance but what we are realizing now is that there is no work without health and health is not about having more time away from work…it’s about doing healthy things and making better choices.    

Please tell us what you are hearing, seeing and doing to help your business as well as those of your colleagues during this time. 

Nancy Trent is a writer and speaker, a lifelong health and beauty advocate, a globe-trotting trend watcher and the founder and president of Trent & Company, the leading wellness PR firm. Trent & Company, which launched many health and beauty brands, grew out of Nancy’s personal and passionate commitment to helping people live longer and healthier lives. A former journalist for New York magazine, Nancy has written seven books on healthy lifestyles, serves on the editorial boards of several magazines and travels around the world speaking at conferences and trade shows on trends in the marketplace. She is a recognized expert in PR with more than 30 years of experience creating and managing highly successful campaigns. Nancy can be reached at (212) 966-0024 or through e-mail at [email protected].  You may also visit