The laws are changing rapidly in the current pandemic/crisis. Therefore, the legal issues discussed here are subject to constant change. It is best to consult with your counsel concerning any specific legal advice you may have.

Essential businesses are currently continuing to operate as they are able, and there is an expectation that others will be reopened on a rolling basis. Businesses with on-site employees need to be mindful of applicable regulations intended to keep their employees and customers safe.  Guidance from OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and the CDC (the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) provide instructions for those who want to be prepared for a return to the workplace when circumstances permit.  Below are links to resources from OSHA and the CDC with important information for employers. Please remember that these are not the only agencies whose guidance might apply to your organization. Depending on the state(s) where you have employees, state guidance and local information will also be important to you and your business. In addition, employers in certain fields such as those in the healthcare field will want to stay informed about any guidance applicable to healthcare workers, including as provided by a local department of health.  As you know, things are developing and changing, often rapidly, and information and guidance from government agencies is also being updated accordingly. As such, employers should check these resources for new developments and changes and reach out to counsel with any questions.   OSHA Website with links to important information:  The above site includes many links including, among other things, to:
News and updates: found here
Hazard Recognition: found here
OSHA Standards (including enforcement guidance (for example, on handling complaints and illness reports), directives and workers’ rights and employers’ responsibilities): found here
Medical Information regarding COVID-19: found here
Guidance and Resources for Employers and Workers on Control and Prevention of COVID -19: found here
Other links and resources: found here CDC Website with Resources for Business and Employers: found here The above site includes links to information including, among other things: Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to COVID-19: found here
Cleaning and Disinfecting your Facility: found here
Preparing your Small Business and Employees for the Effects of COVID-19: found here
Implementing Safety Practices for Critical Infrastructure Workers Who May Have Had Exposure to a Person With COVID-19: found here
For additional articles on related topics please go toCOVID-19 Employment Law Resource Center.
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