Customisation is a buzzword in beauty today, but UK-based celebrity facialist Linda Meredith has been at the forefront of this approach for decades. Now for the very first time, Linda’s superb range of products and
professional treatments is available in the USA.

Dry, oily, combination… for years, these skin types have been
drummed into our – and our clients’ – heads. But how many people do you see in your spa who actually fit neatly into one of these complexion boxes?

It’s a conundrum that plagued UK facialist Linda Meredith for decades as she worked for various multinational brands in the global cosmetics industry. So when she founded her first clinic in the upmarket London suburb of Knightsbridge in 1997, Linda had one primary goal: to
address skin concerns rather than skin types.

“People were coming in who weren’t dry or oily, but they had a few
spots,” Linda explains. “What could I do? I couldn’t mix the different
ranges together and I couldn’t ask clients to put different creams on
different parts of their face.”

Sound familiar? The struggle is real and it’s only becoming more
Powerful anti-oxidants of the AMAZON deliver instant visible results
common, thanks to changes in diet, an increase in environmental toxins and hormones, and a whole range of other factors that can send the skin into a tailspin. The search for a solution led Linda to develop her own line of premium treatments and retail products, and 20 years after that first salon opened, the range is finally available to luxury spas, resorts and salons across The USA.

“Linda built this brand around her observations of the past 40 years, and this largely revolved around the evolution she was seeing in her clients’ skin,” explains Liz Verbruggen , Managing Director of Vash Spa Inc Exclusive Distributor of Linda Meredith in the USA. “Over the decades we’ve seen diets change; huge increases in pollution levels and countless other toxins; a greater migration of people; and other factors that contribute to these skin changes. Linda developed her range of skincare around this changing skin because the old oily, dry and combination skin types just weren’t specific enough for the majority of her clients. The USA suffers from these changes as much as the UK does, so it was a logical step to bring the brand here.”