Q: I’m an esthetician trying to find a job in a new town. What is the best way to wow the spa manager during the practical part of the interview where I perform a facial on them? I’m good at what I do, but so are all of the other estheticians looking for work in an already oversaturated area.

A: While the practical part of the interview is important, it’s not nearly as important as the screening questions. So let’s first step back and stand in the shoes of the manager. What are they looking for in a new hire?

When I was in management, the ideal candidate would be someone who fit in with the professionalism level of the business. Did they go to a good school? Have they invested in some post graduate professional training? Managers want someone who is seeking a career, not just a job. Above and beyond technical proficiency, do they understand the business side of esthetics? As you said, lots of other estheticians can perform good facials. I wanted to find the ones that could perform well at retail sales and client retention. If you know your average retail to service sales ratio from your previous job, that will set you apart from the other candidates. Same if you know your client retention rate.

Many managers and owners want to hire someone with an existing clientele, especially if the spa/salon is new. Yet not everyone sees offering to bring existing clients as a plus. In fact, I’ve worked for a company where that was considered a negative. First because it was viewed as an ethical issue, and second because the owners didn’t want to have bad relations with other salons in town. So not having a clientele may or may not be the deal breaker you think it is.

If you’ve gotten far enough in the interview process to do a facial for the manager (or sometimes lead esthetician) then things are looking up for you. Managers are busy and they won’t waste time getting a facial from someone who they aren’t seriously considering. Before getting started, ask any questions you have about their product line. If you’re trained in other lines, mention it, but don’t be overly attached to them. A lot of estheticians make the mistake of trying to convince the owner to switch lines and it’s extremely off-putting. Instead, work with what you are given. Be sure to include a consultation before the treatment, just as you would a client. Ask questions about their home care, then follow up with making some retail product recommendations at the end. You should also recommend a treatment protocol and suggested time frame for their next service. That will definitely make them go “wow!”

Jaya Savannah

Jaya Savannah

Chief Inspiration Officer - Jaya Savannah International

Jaya Savannah is a strategy coach and consultant for holistic businesses at JayaSavannah.com.

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