Rise with the sun. The beginning of your day sets the tone for the rest of your day and waking up with a touch of wonder will present a day of wonderful. Be inquisitive about your morning, your surroundings and your opportunities to thrive. I have my phone set on a sleeper timer so I cannot open any apps until 30 minutes after I have woken up. This allows me to be truly present with my goals and intentions for the day.

Sienna Creasy, an early trailblazer in understanding the benefits of infusing travel and fitness, Reggaelates founder and Spa Director at Hilton Rose Hall Resort & Spa, found her purpose serving in the Peace Corps almost 15 years ago and has since turned her passion into reality throughout her career path. Incorporating what she has learned from her Peace Corp travels, Creasy has introduced experiential wellness to the Jamaican tourism industry, serving as the driving force behind the conceptualization of the Caribbean’s first and only Himalayan Salt Therapy Lounge and Jamaica’s first Quartz Therapy Ritual Room during her previous role as Group Wellness Director at Jewel Grande Montego Bay Resort & Spa. In addition to spearheading Hilton Rose Hall’s Radiant Spa, Creasy hosts regularly scheduled yoga, Pilates and Reggaelates — a combination of yoga and Pilates with Dancehall beats — classes at the Jamaican resort.

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