Press Release

Atlanta, GA, January 22, 2024 – Today marks the official launch of Wonders of Wellbeing Consulting, a revolutionary consultancy firm founded by industry visionaries Margaret Lora and Jaclyne Roe. With a combined wealth of experience spanning decades, the duo is set to transform the spa and wellbeing landscape, offering unparalleled services to individuals and businesses seeking to elevate their ventures.

Founding Partners:
Meet Jaclyne Roe, a seasoned professional in the wellness consulting realm. With a rich career spanning various facets of the Management industry, from Customer Service to Leadership, Jaclyne brings a wealth of experience to the table. Her journey includes not only successful business ownership but also a knack for building ventures from startup to profitability. Jaclyne is a self-motivated individual known for her excellent communication skills, adept multitasking abilities, and meticulous attention to detail. Her organizational talents shine through, enabling efficient time management and task completion while staying on course and under budget. Jaclyne Roe is dedicated to leveraging her diverse background to enhance wellbeing and success for her clients.

Introducing Margaret Lora, a distinguished senior executive with an impressive track record encompassing over 20 years of experience in general management, sales, and marketing within the full-service hospitality sector. Margaret’s expertise shines through her adept management of luxury spa and fitness clubs, showcasing her operational prowess. With a unique talent for driving transformational change, Margaret is a creative thinker, developing unconventional solutions that elevate engagement and user experience while reducing operating expenses and optimizing operational efficiencies. Her relentless focus on achieving business results is evident
as she thrives on challenges, excelling in crafting strategic campaigns that resonate with consumers, foster brand loyalty, and transform sales organizations.

Mission Statement and Core Values:
At Wonders of Wellbeing Consulting, the mission is clear – to redefine the spa and wellbeing industry. The consultancy is committed to nurturing the holistic wellbeing of individuals and businesses, empowering industry leaders to thrive and find joy in their professional pursuits. The core values of Authenticity, A Heart to Serve, and Community guide the firm’s approach. With a deep respect for authenticity and ethical practices, Wonders of Wellbeing Consulting fosters creativity to create wellness spaces that inspire, captivate, and elevate the human experience. The heart of their consultancy lies in an unwavering passion for people, dedication
to supporting personal and professional growth, and the creation of a supportive community where innovation, inspiration, and genuine enthusiasm for wellbeing flourish.

Services Offered:
Wonders of Wellbeing Consulting offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to elevate spa and wellbeing ventures to new heights. From New Business Framework and Competitive Market Analysis to Program and Menu Development and Financial Planning, the consultancy covers every aspect of the spa and wellbeing industry. Embark on your spa journey with confidence. The consultancy specializes in guiding clients
through every phase, ensuring a solid foundation for success. From crafting a comprehensive concept to aligning retail partners and integrating sustainability initiatives, Wonders of Wellbeing Consulting is dedicated to creating transformative and unforgettable experiences for spa guests.

About Wonders of Wellbeing Consulting:
Wonders of Wellbeing Consulting is a consultancy firm founded by industry experts Margaret Lora and Jaclyne Roe. With a mission to redefine the spa and wellbeing industry, the consultancy offers a range of services designed to empower individuals and businesses. For more information, visit or contact 404-445-2265.


Margaret Lora
Wonders of Wellbeing Consulting
[email protected]