The talk about job-related burnout is usually associated with what we believe are typical high-pressure careers. However, every professional dedicated to their work is at the peril of feeling its devastating effects.

As a hard-working massage therapist, you must have had days when your body and mind simply gave in to the stress of having too many clients and working around the clock. Make no mistake about it: The burnout syndrome is real, and you owe it to yourself to find ways to relax and unwind over Christmas.

Here are 7 effective ways to prevent burnout before the first symptoms even start to show.

Control the workload by limiting your shifts

If you tend to schedule a lot of clients per day, you should know that you’re probably in the red zone. It’s quite understandable that you don’t want to let your clients down and more work means better financial stability, but never put those factors before your own health. A passionate massage therapist and freelance essay reviewer Gina Willis recommends limiting your shift to no more than 6 hours and no more than 5 clients per day.

Schedule your clients mindfully

Once you’ve decided how many hours you’ll work per day and how many clients you’re willing to take on, it’s time to make a solid scheduling plan. As you know, not all massage therapy sessions are the same. Ideally, you should schedule more physically demanding sessions between gentler ones to avoid putting too much pressure on yourself.

You can even create schedules that work for your specific needs: Only work in the morning, or take a few clients before noon, make a few hours break, and come back to work in the afternoon.

Prioritize your working posture

Back pain and injuries can happen when you don’t even see them coming. This is why you should always be mindful of your posture: Never compromise it just to get a “better” angle at what you want to do. Instead, rather readjust the position of your client in a way that’s comfortable for both of you.

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Make plenty of breaks during your shift

A massage therapist’s job can be draining, both physically and emotionally. Although it’s sometimes difficult to find time to relax when clients keep coming in, you must make sure to dedicate certain portions of each day to yourself alone. Take a few minutes to sit down, have a healthy snack, or stretch out between every two consecutive sessions. Your body and your mind will thank you.

Wash your hands and face in cold water

Speaking of taking breaks, here’s one more thing that can help you keep your cool during a busy day at work. Each break you take, wash your hands and face in cold water before you go to eat or spend some time doing yoga to relax. This will help relieve the tension, leaving you refreshed, calm, and wide awake.

Water is incredibly important for our wellbeing, so make sure to stay properly hydrated every single day.

Set your boundaries and stick to them

If you’ve chosen a massage therapist career, chances are you’re a giving, nurturing person always happy to help others feel better. However, don’t forget your own wellbeing in the process. Setting your boundaries and respecting your worth is a healthy way to live and you should practice this principle in life and work alike.

Enjoy massage therapy sessions as a client

You spend hours and days doing your best to help your clients get rid of stress, relax, and alleviate pain. Why wouldn’t you let yourself enjoy such pampering from time to time?

Whether you choose a fellow therapist from your workplace or you decide to go across town to get relaxed and check out the competition while you’re at it, you surely deserve some carefree me time. Let other professionals take care of you the way you take care of others each and every day.


If you work with passion and commitment, you are bound to feel overwhelmed at one point or another. It’s a sign you take your massage therapist job seriously and care about the people who come in through your door.

There’s nothing wrong with hard work, as long as you do what needs to be done responsibly, considering both your clients’ health and your own. Remember that you can truly take care of others only when you yourself feel relaxed, rested, and ready to take on the challenges each new day brings.

Scott Mathews is a devoted custom writing guru experienced in providing exemplary dissertation help. He currently offers his professional academic paper writing service at the essay writing service UK, and he also works as a freelance business consultant. His passions (besides work) are skydiving, supporting animal shelters, and, you’ve guessed it: Relaxing in the capable hands of his massage therapist.