
Aromatherapy, popularly referred to as essential oil therapy, uses natural extracts from plants as a form of holistic healing treatment to promote wellness and good health. The process of aromatherapy medicinally makes use of essential oils to improve the health of the mind and body. It is known to enhance both emotional and physical health. Many people see aromatherapy as both a science and art, but more recently, it has started to gain more recognition in medicine and science.

How do aromatherapy treatments work?

Skin absorption and sense of smell are the major ways by which aromatherapy works. It uses products such as aromatic spritzers, bathing salts, diffusers, clay masks, hot and cold compresses, inhalers, facial steamers, and body oils, lotions, or creams that are applied topically or for massage. These products can be used in combination with the other or alone.

While the popular essential oils are the ones used mostly, there are hundreds of them. Each of these oil has its unique uses, effects, and healing properties. You will get more benefits if you combine different essential oils for a synergistic blend.

Different essential oils have their ingredients for different uses and effects. However, four major essential oils are crucial for beauty and skincare in aromatherapy treatment. These four ingredients are:

Hazelnut oil

Hazelnut is more than just a snack as the oil gotten from the nut has a complexion-clearing power. This is one base oil that you can use on its own or in combination with some other base oils. There’s a mega hydration dose for this oil most suited for sensitive, dry, or mature skins.

Neroli oil

If you’re looking to maintain the plumpness of your skin, then you should try the neroli oil. This oil has unique properties but is mostly known for its beautiful fragrance. It is perfect for maintaining beauty and skincare. It is also very effective for regenerating the skin while also supporting good elasticity. This oil is also suitable for dealing with the appearance of blemishes, wrinkling, and scarring on the skin.


In Chinese medicine, sandalwood is a popular herb that is effective for improving blood circulation. Its essential oil helps deal with severe and stubborn issues such as eczema, rashes, acne, and dry flaking skin. It also has an aroma that works to calm and relax the nervous system, which is one of the health benefits of meditation. This, itself, is necessary to create beauty beyond just the outer skin. It is also anti-inflammatory.


This is made from the twigs and leaves of the bitter orange tree. It is known for its power to beautify. The petitgrain is also known for a fragrance that’s able to delight the senses. When you apply the oil to the skin, it can help to reduce excessive oil. This is why you can use it in formulas to clean oil or create products that can balance congested and oily, and acne-filled skin.

Health benefits of aromatherapy

There are a lot of benefits that come with aromatherapy. Some of these are listed below:

  • It helps to manage pain and soothe sore joints.
  • It improves the quality of sleep.
  • It reduces agitation, anxiety, and stress.
  • It helps in the treatment of migraines and headaches and alleviating the side effects of chemotherapy.
  • It boosts immunity and helps in the fight against viruses, fungi, and bacteria.
  • It eases the discomforts of labor.
  • It helps to improve digestion.


Aromatherapy has a lot of positive effects on our health and beauty. Apart from the numerous benefits that it has and its beautifying effects of aromatherapy, it also has the potential to treat several conditions such as depression, insomnia, fatigue, asthma, inflammation, erectile dysfunction, cancer, arthritis, menstrual issues, and so on.

Author’s Bio

Jennifer Holland is a professional writer with three years of experience who currently works at the best essay writing service. She helps students get their dream job by offering them her excellent writing skills and knowledge. Feel free to connect with her on Facebook or Twitter.

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