This year has been especially tough on salons and spas. The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on small businesses, and many of them have either had to close down or find innovative ways to stay afloat.

If you own a spa or salon, you might already be thinking about a comeback strategy to keep your employees and clients safe in a post-pandemic world.

Let’s look at a few ways to make that happen so everyone feels comfortable at your place of business.

Keeping Things Clean

Cleanliness and sanitization are on everyone’s mind these days. So, it’s important to ensure everyone who comes into your business that they are safe by keeping things as clean as possible. You can do that by having several processes in place for customers, including:

  • Eliminating unnecessary contact
  • Booking time to clean between clients
  • Having hand sanitizer at several locations
  • Automating as much as possible

Client screening is also a great option for making your customers feel safe from the moment they walk in the door. Your salon can do this however you see fit, but a few options are to take temperatures with a digital thermometer, offer a hot towel for handwashing, and making sure masks are worn at all times. By making screening a part of your meet-and-greet process, you’re showing your clients that you truly care about their wellbeing and that you’re doing whatever you can to keep your business open and safe.

You should also have new rules set in place for employees, including hand-washing after each client. Handwashing is different from sanitizing and tends to be more effective in getting rid of germs. Your employees should be washing their hands throughout appointments with clients. There are certain tasks that simply can’t be completed with gloves. Nail techs, hair stylists, massage therapists, and aestheticians all need to be able to touch clients directly, so they should be washing both during a service, and between them. Not only is it a good practice to get into, but it can be a reassuring sight to your clients, as well.

When your clients feel safe within your business, they’re more likely to have a positive experience, which can foster much-needed word-of-mouth advertising.

Taking Care of Your Employees

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the mental health of so many individuals. According to the CDC, the public health actions taken throughout this pandemic have led to feelings of isolation, stress, and even anxiety.

Your employees might be feeling all of those things on top of exhaustion from work. That’s especially true if you’ve been working around the clock to stay in business. Avoiding stress and getting enough sleep are two important factors in staying healthy. But, if your employees are overwhelmed and emotionally-exhausted, you’re risking their mental and physical health. They may not want to come to work, or it may not be healthy for them to do so.

Understandably, you want to do whatever it takes to keep your salon or spa open. Maybe you’ve even started to do some remodeling or upgrades. But, even that can sometimes be stressful due to unexpected problems like finding asbestos or hitting a pipe and causing a water issue.

Whatever the case, remember to put your employees first. Without them, your business won’t last. They should be valued, treated with care, and given breaks as needed. If you notice that your employees are showing signs of anxiety, depression, fatigue, or nervousness, they could be experiencing emotional exhaustion. Supporting them and allowing them the time they need isn’t only important for them, it’s important for your business.

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