Beauty Trends to Take Advantage Of As a Business Owner

If you work in the beauty world, you know better than most that trends are your friend. While many other business fields tend to shrug off trends, the beauty community thrives off of them and makes them their own. Selling beauty products is no different. If you run a...

What Are the Risks of DIY Microneedling

Microneedling has become a popular way to treat a variety of skin issues such as acne scarring and fine lines over the last few years. This is a process where fine needles are used to create small punctures in the skin to stimulate collagen and hyaluronic acid...

5 Tips For Building An EHR System For Your Spa Business

An EHR (Electronic Health Record) system allows for the digital storage, retrieval, analysis, and sharing of patient data. It elevates productivity, efficiency, and order in handling data.   Who can use the EHR system? From the definition, you probably think...

The Complete Guide to Modern Customer Communication

Our partners at Podium have put together a guide that explores a changing communication landscape, discovering how the technology we use—and how we use it—is radically changing. First, we’ll examine the impact of communication trends on customer experience. Then we’ll...