Massage therapy can be a great way to relax after a long, stressful day or an effective treatment for various physical and mental ailments. Beyond that, one of many people’s significant questions about massage therapy is whether it is covered by insurance. If you’re interested in getting regular massage treatments but are worried about paying out-of-pocket from your pocketbook, this post will provide a comprehensive overview of what coverage options are out there so that you can make the best decision for your health and wallet. 

Does Insurance Cover Massage Therapy? 

The answer to this question can vary depending on your insurance provider and the type of policy you have. Life insurance, for example, typically does not cover massage therapy. Generally speaking, most major insurance companies cover massage therapy if it is considered medically necessary and prescribed by a physician. Suppose you have an injury or condition that can be treated with massage therapy, such as chronic back pain, headaches, or fibromyalgia. Your insurance company may pay for up to several yearly massage sessions in that case. 

In some cases, however, an insurance company may have coverage criteria that must be met to qualify for massage therapy coverage. For instance, some insurance companies require a referral from a doctor or hard evidence of the medical need for massage therapy before they will cover it. Additionally, many insurers limit how much they will pay for massage treatments, often limiting reimbursements to a specific dollar amount per session or a certain number of sessions per year. 

What If My Insurance Policy Does Not Cover Massage Therapy? 

If your insurance policy does not include coverage for massage therapy, options are still available to help you pay for your treatments. Buying additional coverage is one option, although it can be expensive. If you’re looking for a more affordable alternative, some employers offer supplemental insurance policies that can provide coverage for massage therapy treatments. 

Additionally, many massage therapists offer payment plans and discounts to clients who are paying out-of-pocket. Ask your therapist about any available payment plan options before you begin treatments. The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork also offers grants to individuals needing financial assistance for massage treatments. Creating your own spa experience at home and learning massage techniques from books and online videos are also great ways to save money on massage treatments. 

What Should I Ask My Insurance Provider? 

Before you schedule a massage therapy appointment, it’s essential to call your insurance provider and ask about the terms of their massage coverage. This will help ensure that you understand precisely what your policy covers and avoid any surprises at the time of payment. 

Find out if the policy covers in-network or out-of-network massage providers, what they consider medically necessary treatments, any restrictions on the types of massage therapy that are covered, and any limits on how many sessions can be reimbursed throughout the year. Additionally, ensure you know if a deductible or copayment is associated with the policy. In case your insurance provider does not cover massage therapy, take some time to explore other payment options available in your area. 

Massage therapy can be essential to a comprehensive wellness plan but can also be expensive. Fortunately, many insurance policies cover massage therapy if deemed medically necessary. If your insurance provider does not cover massage therapy, other options can help you pay for treatments. 

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