How to gain muscle? It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive technique, but it is one of the most challenging tasks to achieve.    

Muscle gain workouts are popular these days. Many fitness enthusiasts want to know what they should do to bulk up. You may be asking what you should do to make your muscles improve.  

Don’t be hesitant to try a new workout; you can always switch things up as you grow accustomed to your program. If you are clear with your fitness goals, you will be able to choose a workout that perfectly fits your lifestyle. Choose a workout that you can follow through confidently for a long time. 

Working Out Smart vs. Working Out Hard  

While working hard produces results, it takes a lot of time and effort, but working smart involves more work in a shorter length of time. By exercising smartly, you may achieve your fitness objectives and complete your workout faster and with less effort, but with better results. 

During your weekly workouts, try to target all of your major muscle groups at least twice. Lifting weights is the most effective strategy to gain muscle over time. Muscle growth starts as soon as you start your strength training regimen. It may go unnoticed in the mirror, but it is happening. If you don’t see results right away, it doesn’t mean you failed. 

Must-Try Muscle-Gain Workouts 


The push-up is one of the best bodyweight exercises for building chest and triceps muscles. It also works your shoulders, core muscles, lower back, and lower body. There is no limit to the number of push-ups one can perform in a day. In general, an average person should be able to maintain a strong upper body with 50 to 100 push-ups. If you are a beginner, you can try the wall push-ups and knee push-ups.  

  • Begin by lying face down on the floor with your hands somewhat wider than shoulder width.  
  • You can lift your body off the floor by extending your arms. 
  • Maintain a straight line with your upper and lower bodies.  
  • Bend your arms and bring your body closer to the floor.  
  • Repeat. 


Burpees stimulate the entire body to develop muscle strength and endurance. A standard burpee builds the muscles in your legs, hips, buttocks, belly, arms, chest, and shoulders. To grow a muscle, a 15-to 20-minute exercise of three-four sets of 10-15 burpees is recommended. This workout involves such a broad range of motion and so many different muscles and can help you increase your mobility, balance, and coordination. If you are a beginner, you can try Push-Up Jack Burpee and Pike Burpee.  

  • From a standing position, kneel down and place both hands on the floor so that they are just wider than your feet.  
  • Back into a plank stance, spring your feet.  
  • To get back to the plank position, perform a push-up.  
  • Squat down once more, spring up quickly, and raise your hands above your head. 
  • Repeat. 


Squats are a powerful exercise that can help you develop the muscles in your legs and lower body. They are so accessible as you can perform them using only your body weight and no equipment is needed. The number of squats you should perform each day actually depends on your personal objectives. Aim for 3 sets of 12–15 reps of at least one form of squat if you’re just starting out with this workout.  

Squats can also be done using kettlebells or barbells for an extreme degree of complexity. Squats come in a variety of forms that work various muscle groups. The Back Squat targets the glutes and hips, the Overhead Squat targets the upper back, shoulders, and arms, and the Jump Squat targets the legs and hips. 

  • Position your feet slightly farther apart than shoulder width. 
  • Straighten your arms and keep your palms down.  
  • As you inhale, softly push your hips back while bending your knees.  
  • Keep your chin up, shoulders back, and back straight while gazing straight ahead.  
  • To get your hips below your knees, squat as low as you can while still feeling comfortable.  
  • To push up quickly from your heels, engage your core. 

Bench Press 

The bench press is renowned for activating the muscles that enhance our upper-body beauty and strength. The bench press is the exercise most commonly used to increase chest size. While the bench press is unlikely to increase bicep size, it can increase bicep curl size, which results in larger arms.  

Due to their role in extending the elbow during the lockout phase of the exercise, the triceps are very important in the bench press. If you want to include bench presses in your muscle gain program, try to do them two to three times a week. Give your muscles time to recuperate by waiting at least a day. Your fitness goal will determine how many reps you do throughout each workout. If you are looking for the fastest way to gain muscle, you can try the barbell bench press. 

  • Your arms should be somewhat wider than shoulder height as you support your weight directly above your shoulders.  
  • Lift the weight until your upper arms are at a 45-degree angle.  
  • With your elbows out to the sides, gradually drop the weight back down to chest height. 
  • Perform at least five repetitions of the press repetitions. 


The deadlift works your hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, quadriceps, core, upper back, and lower back. It also works your rear chain as well as your forearms and grip strength.  Every fitness enthusiast can benefit greatly from the deadlift.  

This workout is an effective exercise for building muscles and strength throughout the body. Since they activate your main lower body muscles, they are ideal for building muscular endurance. They teach you safe object lifting techniques, a skill that is helpful in your everyday tasks. 

  • Place your midfoot under the barbell.  
  • Bend over and take a shoulder-width grip on the bar.  
  • Bend your knees until your shins are in contact with the bar.  
  • Straighten your lower back and raise your chest.  
  • Take a deep breath, hold it, and stand up with the weight for a second at the top, with your hips and knees locked.  
  • Next, while bending your legs, return the weight to the floor by moving your hips back. 
  • Repeat with a second rest at the bottom. 

Key Takeaways 

Resistance exercise and a good diet must both be committed if you want to build muscle. You must be sufficiently motivated to complete your training routines if you want to efficiently build muscles. 

To build muscles, you must find the best and most comfortable workout for you. You must be committed to your goals and persistent. Change requires time. To notice significant changes in your muscles in a short period of time, you may need to increase your workout volume.  

Don’t forget to include protein in your diet to ensure your body gets enough energy. It’s important to consult with medical professionals to come up with a workout program that works for you and your body. Make sure you know what your body can handle so that you can have a successful workout and have a positive impact on your life. 


Author Bio 

Rachel Miller is a certified Sport and Fitness Enthusiast who loves to write about her passion for Nordic Lifting. Her Fitness goal is to spread awareness and instill in the lives of people everywhere the value of health and fitness.