Cerulean Intense Soothing Hydration Mask from KYPRIS

Intense Soothing Hydration Mask Ocean Alchemy… Cerulean Soothing Hydration Recovery Mask is botanical succor for your senses and skin, your liminal envelope. Thalassic treasures soothe, soften, and hydrate skin’s appearance with a collection of botanicals...

7 Instant Confidence Boosters 

While real confidence takes effort and considerable time to build, there are certain situations that require instant confidence shortcuts. Here are seven strategies you can use to boost your confidence instantaneously.  Cheer yourself up  When done...

Glo2Facial by Geneo

A breakthrough treatment that unlocks the body’s natural superpowers: Oxfoliate™ with O2 bubbles, amplify with LUX via our lite ultrasound experience, and detox via lymphatic massage. See why this is the gateway to extraordinary outcomes for your skin… and your life....

9 Points to Consider: How to choose the right spa?

The modern spa represents a sanctuary of tranquillity, a haven away from the clamour of everyday life. Whether you seek stress relief, beauty enhancements, or holistic healing, the right spa can cater to your desires. Yet, with countless spas offering an array of...

Top 6 Best Spa and Wellness Honeymoon Holidays

If you have to choose between an exciting honeymoon and a soothing honeymoon, most experts would recommend you opt for a soothing one. Why? Well, that’s because these numbered days right after your marriage are the only carefree days you’ll get in a long...