The beauty industry is rapidly growing. With increasing competition, businesses need to adopt new marketing strategies to stand out. 

Social SEO is one of the most effective ways to make your brand get noticed. It can help you drive traffic to your spa’s website and engage with potential customers.

Social SEO is the process of combining social media and Search Engine Optimization strategies to help boost your visibility. 

In this article, you’ll learn the benefits of social SEO and how it can help your business perform better in search engine results pages. Let’s get started.

Helps Boost Web Traffic

Social SEO can boost organic web traffic. When you post quality social media content, you can reach more people who can go to your site organically. 

So, you can post something like this, like @thespawestashley did. Besides, this strategy can help boost your Instagram following, too.

Ensure you use the keywords and search terms most relevant to your business, such as “facial spa services” in your social media as well. These relevant keywords won’t just help optimize your social pages. Since Google indexes social media, doing so may also help your social media profile appear in search engine results pages given a related query.

For example, when searching for “a spa specializing in facial and body aesthetics,” I found profiles on social media with relevant services, although they don’t have a large following.

Also, make sure you use relevant or trending hashtags to reach and attract more customers, who will want to go to your website. Also, make it easy for your users to share your content on social platforms. Include buttons to encourage social shares. The more people see your quality content, the more people may go to your website.

Don’t forget to interact with your social media users. This will help you build a community of loyal customers who are, not just likelier to visit your website, but are also likely to book your services.

Increases Visibility

Social media can increase your website’s authority in your niche. Google considers authority when deciding what to surface in search engine results pages given a query. The result is greater visibility for the brand.

But how do you increase your website authority through social media?

Well, through excellent promotion. Social networks can promote your website content. When this becomes viral, other authoritative sites can link to that original content on your site. These backlinks are an important component of a page’s authority in the eyes of Google. Hence, you’re improved authority. We’ll talk more about backlinks later.

Reviews can also help you build authority, particularly if they are good reviews. They help you build credibility, generate trust, and improve your online reputation. So, make sure you encourage your users to leave reviews about your brand, not just on review sites, but also on your social media platforms.

This increased authority through good reviews is probably why the Facebook profile above appears on the first page of SERPs.

Enhances Brand Awareness

Social media can help you enhance your brand awareness. You can do this by sharing valuable content, hosting contests and giveaways, and leveraging influencer networks. 

Here is an example of a partnership between the spa @destination_aesthetics and clothing profile @shopanyamark.

With the collaboration, the spa @destination_aesthetics also managed to increase brand awareness among the members of the target audience of clothing profile @shopanyamark.

But how are all these related to SEO?

Thanks to these social media strategies, you can also establish your business as an authority in the industry. Again, the higher your authority for Google, the more likely you’ll appear in SERPs given a query.

Also, the more people know about you through social media, the more likely they’ll make branded searches. So, instead of just searching for a “spa,” they’ll search for your entire business name, as in the example below:

But to ensure people do search for you in search engines, make sure your social media branding is on point. Your social media content, including your logo, colors, and voice used, should be consistent throughout your platforms. Consistency is key to brand recognition and awareness.

Aids in Local SEO

Social media can help you improve your local SEO.

Social media platforms like Facebook can display business information such as business hours, contact details, customer reviews, and ratings. This is information that can come out when someone looks for a particular spa service in an area. Remember, Google indexes social profiles. 

All this said, you have to make sure you use consistent and accurate information across all your social media profiles. This information includes your spa’s name, address, phone number, etc.

Besides, doing so won’t just help ensure the right data crops up when someone makes a local research and you appear in SERPs. It can also help ensure your local citations are accurate. In case you don’t know, local citations refer to mentions of the spa’s business on third-party websites, such as directories. 

Why are citations important? Well, apart from the fact that they help increase your online presence, they’re also considered a ranking signal in local SEO. So, you also want to increase your chances of getting those local citations. You can use social media for this again. Engage with local communities via social media accounts.

Also, make sure you use targeted local keywords in social media profiles and social media posts. By including location-specific keywords such as “spa in [L.A],” you may appear in local search queries. It’s one of the benefits of social SEO you don’t want to miss since it can help you attract  more local customers.

Helps Increase Search Engine Rankings

Although social media doesn’t have a direct impact on SEO, it can help with improved rankings indirectly.

How? Well, remember our example about backlinking?

If you promote your website content on social media and it becomes viral, you can get authority sites to link to your piece of content. Backlinks are not just a component of authority in the eyes of Google. They’re a direct ranking factor. In fact, according to Backlinko, the number of referring domains is still one of the most important ranking factors in Google’s algorithm:

But the quality of the backlinks matters, too. According to the same Backlinko study, backlinks from aged domains may be more powerful than new ones.

Given this, it’s essential for you to increase social media signals, such as likes, comments, and shares. The goal is to get your types of content noticed so that other authority sites will link to your site.

Also, social media presents an excellent opportunity to connect with other website owners. Through platforms like LinkedIn, you can build relationships with other webmasters and secure quality backlinks for your site.

In Conclusion

Social SEO for spas is a valuable strategy that business owners should consider. 

When you increase your presence and authority through social media, you get your brand noticed online. So, you may enjoy the benefits of social SEO which we discussed in this article: a boost in web traffic, increased visibility, enhanced brand awareness, improved local SEO, and improved search engine rankings.

Optimize your social media pages. Create high-quality content on social platforms. Also, run contests to engage your social media audience. You can even collaborate with social media influencers.

Combine this strategy with other digital marketing efforts, and you’ll reap the best results.

Harry Flynn leads the digital marketing team at Twicsy, a site providing services to Instagram users. He enjoys travelling and relaxing with friends in his spare time.