Steps to Enjoy a Splendid DIY Spa Night

Resting and relaxing are essential for us to improve our mental health. We often like to visit a salon or spa to relax and have some peaceful time. However, during the pandemic, going to the salon or spa is not a feasible option. It gives you much-needed calm in the...

Why Sleep is Important to Your Overall Health

When it comes to our overall health, there’s little that comes close to the power of a good night’s sleep.  Working in tandem with our diet and exercise, a solid night routine and healthy sleep schedule is essential to keeping our bodies in tip-top shape and...


OVERLAND PARK, Kansas – March 17, 2021 – The U.S. Department of Defense has selected the massage therapy profession to receive technical assistance from The Council of State Governments to develop an interstate compact for occupational licensing portability.  The...

14 Benefits Of Visiting A Medical Spa

You would be forgiven for assuming that a medical spa is all about massages and scrubs. A medical spa, however, is different from a regular spa. Whereas a traditional spa is about comfort and leisure, a medical spa offers non-surgical aesthetic medical services. ...

Consider This If You Want To Change Careers

It’s very common to ask yourself, every once in a while, if you’re content in your career path. After all, fleeting thoughts of a radical career change are natural. In fact, statistics show that three-quarters of Americans have done it at least once in their life. The...

How to Write About Us Page for Your Spa

Being in the spa industry means fighting every day for your piece of the market. This is because the competition is strong and you have to find a way to stand out. That means that every segment of your business strategy has to be spot on. You need to provide the best...

How to Grow Your Spa or Wellness Business with Halotherapy

Halotherapy has been increasing in popularity within the wellness industry, and for good reason! Not only is it a great treatment choice for wellness, but it is a great addition to your therapy treatment options for for clients. There are many different equipment...

GSN Planet Call for Board Applications

March 1, 2021 (Nantucket, MA)—GSN Planet (GSN) Board of Directors is now accepting applications for board service. Since the launch in 2007, GSN has developed a community of inspired and engaged individuals to advance their mission of promoting the natural connections...

Why Entrepreneurs Need To Prioritize Wellbeing In 2021

Many business owners saw their efforts to make progress frustrated throughout 2020. Adapting to the global conditions that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic required a lot of effort, after all, and everything being in a state of flux made it brutally hard to see...

10 Supplements for Spring Allergy Relief and Prevention

What comes to your mind when you think about spring? When asked this question, people typically provide answers about nature coming back to life, the smell of flowers in the air, sunny days and afternoons, and many more, quite obvious, examples.  However, if you...