How To Appear More Awake

Everyone’s guilty of staying up too late binge-watching your favorite TV show or getting sucked into a good book. As you wake up the next morning, feeling unrested and groggy, you think to yourself, “Why did I do that?”  Although there’s...

CBD + Boswellia for Discomfort

That lower back pain from being at the desk all day, or the tweaked knee from a long weekend hike. Morning stiffness or the ache at the end of a long shift on your feet. We put our bodies through a lot. Sometimes, they let us know we’ve overdone it — a shoulder...

Dazzle Dry featured on NAILPRO

Check out this nice feature of Dazzle Dry on –

Acupuncture and Healing

Hi friends,  Allan Share from the Spa Industry Association. We have over 66,000 members across the globe who are active with us and I love to share great experiences when it happens and today it is all about Acupuncture. I have a pain in my neck, lol, and no, it...

7 Secrets Behind Every Thriving Spa Business

A day at the spa is a chance to relax, unwind and experience rejuvenation. Many customers visit to feel pampered, special and revived; others want to relieve pain or enhance their appearance. Considering that there are such varied views about spas, it is no wonder...

Why Should You Be Taking Hemp Coffee?

Hemp needs no introduction. Extracts from this plant have been used from time immemorial, mostly in the textile industry. More recently, hemp has become exceedingly popular for its ability to help with various medical conditions. But perhaps we should start at the...

2020 Is Almost Done (Thankfully), and We Must Look and Plan Forward

In golf, we call it a Mulligan. We should look at 2020 as a muffed shot, and I don’t think we should count it. As we enter the fourth quarter of 2020, I’m lining up a second shot. 2021 is going to be that second shot. I wish I had a magic potion that would make this...